Amidst the drastic effects of the COVID-19, we artistes have learned to find light in the darkness surrounding us. It is been so long that the artistes community is been paralyzed from performing, collaborating, touring abroad, organising events and most importantly teaching their geniuses to the upcoming generation. But as said, need illuminates our mind with creativity, so these physical barriers could not hinder the reach of creative delight that is been sending millions happiness and the purpose of establishing art with a different context crossing all sorts of geographical boundaries and narrow mindset.
We have started a brand new series of FRIDAY@9 with PRANAAME BHAGAWATI, a Facebook LIVE Talk Show with artistes around the world. Watch this exclusively on our Facebook Page/amrapali.magazine every Friday at 9 pm IST. And if you are an artiste reading this and would be a part of it, please write to us.
And it was also not that, presenting art digitally was never there. But I doubt that anyone being an artiste has ever witnessed flourishing arts to this extent extensively over the internet, on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and having webinars, online concerts, LIVE talks, selling tickets for digital performances, online classes, etc. during this last 6 months. It is really a bliss for all of us cutting short of geographical boundaries and marching ahead encompassing everything that brings goodness to our artistic profession. From the start of the pandemic, there has been enormous integration of digital creations for creators and teachers. So, right now is the perfect time to grab the best opportunities that are spilled all over and present the best version of yourself and your art.
It is indeed a great insight to learn the different online project plans that the artistes are stirring and bringing art lovers worldwide. The best part of all of this is that, and no one can figure out how much loss the artistes are going through, but yes, their zeal of practicing and curating artistic concepts are indeed commendable. Its presentation is bringing happiness to many and termed to be a perfect visual treat. But, one can also find of some respectable art curators, practitioners and authors who very blatantly defames artistes presenting online recitals direct from their living rooms. But, we also need to understand that, if this is a personal approach wherein there are no possibilities of the live/recorded video pertaining to a beautiful backdrop or even recording utilities, then should an artiste stop presenting something online until the pandemic is over? I believe the only perspective we require is to witness the artistes' abilities at that particular crucial moment wherein everything is stopped but not the creativity.
Our mind requires constant execution or else we lose all the beautiful thoughts that invoke our purity. Welcome to the online generation that's leading us towards everything that's positive and with good purpose.