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Writer's picture: Pranaame BhagawatiPranaame Bhagawati

Shri Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu unfurls His ideologies and teachings through Bhagawat Gita to Arjuna, one of the five Pandava brothers during the battlefield of Kurushetra. These teachings stand strongly guiding us to accept the unexpected or overcoming all odds in our life.

As mortal beings, our desires of achieving the highest despite of all odds and acquiring the finest from amongst almost all existing and even non-existing pleasures has made us surpass the minute phase of humility and generosity. Walking, running and flying fast to attain everything before its fruitful time is somewhat inbuilt within us. We normally tend to turn towards spiritualism during our tough times but, if we are learned about some basic knowledge what our spiritual texts preach, maybe our tough times could be like our best scored exams.

Lord Krishna, unequivocally embodied with 16 Kalas or divine qualities within Himself. Lord Rama had only 14 Kalas and this decision was made in order to honour a boon granted to Ravana, ensuring that he would be defeated by a mortal rather than a deity. By living among ordinary people and withholding two of his divine aspects, Lord Rama fulfilled the condition of the boon and ultimately vanquished Ravana.

The 16 divine qualities of Shri Krishna are:

  1. Daya (Compassion)

  2. Dhairya (Patience)

  3. Kshama (Forgiveness)

  4. Nyay (Justice)

  5. Nirapeksha (Impartiality)

  6. Niraskata (Detachment)

  7. Tapasya (Spiritual Powers)

  8. Aparchitta (Invincibility)

  9. Daansheel (Generosity)

  10. Shaundaryamay (Beauty)

  11. Nrityajna (Dance)

  12. Sangitajna (Singing)

  13. Neetiwadi (Honesty)

  14. Satyawadi (Truthful)

  15. Sarvagnata (Mastery of all arts)

  16. Sarvaniyanta (Control)

10 Ethical Lessons from Shri Krishna's Life
PC: Internet

These exceptional qualities stand as a beacon for individuals seeking to nurture a harmonious character and excel in navigating the challenges of the modern world. Drawing wisdom from Hindu scriptures offers invaluable insights. Besides understanding and imbibing the above mentioned 16 qualities within oneself, if one uplifts its perspectives while indulging into a level of immersified ethics is a boon to a balanced life. Find below 10 ethical lessons which we can learn, adapt and implement in our life.

(1) KARMA: During the battle, Arjuna hesitated to engage in combat against his own kin. It was at this moment that Krishna underscored the significance of prioritizing 'doing the right thing' without being attached to the results. He conveyed, "You have the right to carry out your duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your labour." In contemporary society, we frequently encounter ethical and moral quandaries, whether in our professional endeavours, familial relationships, or personal aspirations, where we grapple with the challenge of making sound decisions devoid of self-serving motives. Therefore, if you are a student feeling anxious about upcoming exams, your focus should be on diligent preparation, emphasizing what you can control. Similarly, for professionals engaged in crucial projects or aspiring for advancement, the key is to channel your efforts and dedication into the task at hand, rather than fixating on the outcomes. This timeless wisdom from Krishna serves as a valuable life lesson, urging us to concentrate on our actions and remain steadfast in our pursuit, unaffected by the allure of rewards.

(2) ACCEPTING IMPERMANENCE: Life is characterised by constant change, making it unpredictable and dynamic. This variability extends beyond material possessions to encompass aspects such as health, relationships, career, and personal aspirations. One moment you may be experiencing great success, only to be confronted with unexpected challenges in the next. Reflecting on the wisdom imparted by Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, it is evident that "Change is the law of the universe, capable of transforming one's fortunes instantly, from wealth to poverty." In navigating the inherent flux of life, the teachings of Lord Krishna underscore the importance of cultivating inner stability rather than resisting change or yielding to fear of the unknown. Whether facing setbacks in one's career or navigating challenging situations in relationships, it is essential to embrace these experiences as opportunities for personal growth and learning.

(3) PRESENT IS THE TRUTH: Living in a fast-paced world, distractions seem to be ubiquitous. One of the most prominent distractions is the constant barrage of social media notifications. When coupled with demanding deadlines, high-pressure presentations, and other stressors, the situation can become overwhelming. Our mental state, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs play a pivotal role in shaping our lives, determining whether we maintain stability or succumb to stress and adversity. It is all too easy to lose focus and allow our minds to become our own adversaries. To combat this, the teachings of Lord Krishna underscore the importance of shifting perspective and anchoring oneself in the present moment. This approach enables individuals to confront challenges with confidence and clarity. Highlighting the value of mindfulness and self-awareness amidst life's battles, Krishna articulated, "A person can elevate themselves through the power of their own mind, or conversely, bring about their own downfall. For each individual is their own ally or adversary."

(4) MASTERING THE EMOTIONS: In contemporary society, the notion of transforming one's life is widely contemplated. To achieve success in this endeavor, the initial step entails mastering one's own emotions. Among the invaluable teachings imparted by Lord Krishna, the paramount lesson emphasizes the management of emotions, particularly the control of anger. Krishna cautioned Arjuna, "From anger arises delusion; from delusion, confused memory; from confused memory, the deterioration of reason; ultimately leading to the demise of man." Even the slightest inconvenience has the potential to evoke anger, clouding one's judgment and impairing logical thinking, resulting in impulsive decision-making. Unbridled anger precipitates unnecessary conflicts and engenders adverse outcomes. Hence, it is imperative to regulate emotions by practicing deep breathing, avoiding confrontational scenarios, and embracing mindfulness exercises to attain mastery over emotions, facilitating judicious decision-making.

(5) EXERCISING TRUE SACRIFICE: The teachings of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita resonate profoundly with contemporary society. They provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept of sacrifice, emphasizing that it is not merely about the act itself but also about the purity of one's intentions. Lord Krishna encouraged individuals to approach every action as an offering to him, be it the food they consume, the sacrifices they make, the assistance they provide, or even the hardships they endure. Incorporating the essence of sacrifice into daily life involves a mindful approach to various activities. Rather than engaging in tasks thoughtlessly, one can savour each moment, whether it be enjoying a meal or performing work with mindfulness, sincerity, and dedication. By doing so, these actions become offerings in themselves. Additionally, showing genuine concern and support for loved ones in distress, without expecting anything in return, exemplifies the spirit of sacrifice. By focusing on feelings of love, pure intentions, and selflessness behind every deed, individuals can enhance their lives and experience personal growth on a daily basis.

(6) EMERGING WITH HUMILITY: Aspirations propel individuals towards their objectives and aspirations. Whether the aim is to acquire a new property, establish a thriving career, or amass wealth, having aspirations is a natural inclination. However, when these ambitions are fueled by ego, they often result in unrest. How can one strike a balance in this regard? Lord Krishna addresses this query with a profound life lesson emphasizing the significance of humility. Despite being a warrior prince, Arjun, instead of boasting about his skills and accomplishments, acknowledged his confusion and sought counsel from Krishna, who imparted: "A person who remains unperturbed by the ceaseless influx of desires is the only one capable of attaining peace, not the individual devoid of aspirations." Humility does not relegate your aspirations to a secondary position; rather, it enables you to recognize your desires without allowing external wants to dictate your sense of self-worth. In this context, Lord Krishna's teachings underscore the transformation of one's life by prioritizing inner peace, attainable through purpose-driven actions rather than ego-driven pursuits.

(7) VALUING WORKS: In the contemporary world, the pressure to seek external validation is substantial. Amidst the pursuit of significant accomplishments, the tendency to overlook small daily successes is common. Within an environment saturated with filters and the influence of prevailing pop culture, maintaining authenticity can be challenging. The teachings of Krishna emphasize the value of authenticity over perfection, as encapsulated in the quote: "It is preferable to live imperfectly according to your own destiny, rather than to strive for perfection in living a replica of someone else's life." Lord Krishna's philosophy underscores the importance of focusing on one's unique journey instead of imitation. Each individual's path is distinct, and dedicating oneself to personal growth, despite imperfections and obstacles, leads to a more fulfilling life.

(8) SETTING HIGH STANDARDS: Lord Krishna imparts his wisdom on self-improvement as well. While it is admirable to look up to others and have personal idols, it is essential that your actions are guided by your own personal standards. The verse from  Bhagavad Gita states, "Because whatever noble persons do, others follow. Whatever standard they set, the world follows." Set high standards for yourself and approach your work with dedication and sincerity. The most successful individuals of today consistently challenge themselves, influencing not only their immediate surroundings but also serving as an example for society as a whole. Living by your personal benchmarks does not exempt you from encountering failures. Therefore, view each setback as an opportunity for growth, push your limits, and broaden your horizons to become an inspiration to others.

(9) TRUSTING YOUR ACTIONS: Lord Krishna's teachings serve as a guiding principle for every action undertaken, emphasizing the importance of faith as the driving force behind one's endeavours. As Lord Krishna said, "Whatever is done without faith — whether it is sacrifice, charity, austerity, or any other act — is useless. It has no value here or hereafter." Just as the foundation is crucial to any structure, faith is paramount in any pursuit, infusing it with purpose, authenticity, and conviction. Amidst the uncertainties that may cloud the mind when making decisions, it is essential to introspect and ask whether one's heart and soul truly believe in the chosen path. When actions are fueled by conviction, they possess a unique and potent strength.

(10) BEING COURAGEOUS: Fear is a constant presence in our lives, manifesting itself in various forms, whether in personal challenges or professional obstacles. However, it is essential to recognize that fear is not merely an external force but often originates from within ourselves. In order to confront and surmount external challenges, it is imperative to address and conquer our internal doubts and fears. As Lord Krishna imparted, "Fear not what is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed." Overcoming fear requires a realization that it is frequently rooted in perceptions rather than actuality. Negative emotions are often triggered by the mind dwelling on the past, future, or uncertainties, impeding our actions. True fearlessness does not entail the absence of fear but rather the choice to transcend it, focusing on our journey, believing in our capacity for growth, and advancing step by step each day.


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